About 'Nammade Kozhikode'

Established in October 2022, Nammude Kozhikode is a social organisation that brings together people in the United Kingdom who trace their origins back to the beautiful region of Kozhikode in South India.

Nammude Kozhikode’s mission is to foster meaningful connections in our community and we take pride in being a diverse and close-knit family, united by our shared heritage, our delectable food and the spirit of camaraderie that Kozhikode is known for around the world.

At the heart of the organisation lies a deep appreciation for the rich cultural tapestry and storied history of Kozhikode and Kerala, and through a wide range of engaging events and activities, we aim to nourish the bonds that tie us to our ancestral land and also build new ones heralding the ethos of unity in diversity.

To make this happen, Nammude Kozhikode comes up with an array of initiatives throughout the year – from social and cultural events to informal gatherings, musical nights, sporting events and career workshops as well as helping those around us with our charitable activities. In our community, we try to make sure that every member will find something that resonates with them.

If you’re someone in the UK who hails from the district of Kozhikode, we invite you to become a part of our ever-growing family. Together, we’ll forge new friendships, celebrate our heritage, and contribute to the rich tapestry of multiculturalism that defines the UK.


Social Platform

To be a social platform for community cohesion for people from the Kozhikode district of Kerala, India who are now based in the UK.

Career Support

To provide advice and career support to the young people in the community in the form of career workshops and other academic events.

Cultural heritage

To hold regular events to promote the rich cultural heritage of Kerala including celebrating landmark events and various festivals to promote communal harmony and unity.

Social Events

To conduct social events celebrating arts, culture and sports and thereby promote social welfare and integration into the wider community.

Social Welfare

To create opportunities for social welfare and also help families around the UK integrate within the wider community with a focus on those who recently moved to the country.


The management of the organisation is undertaken by a committee of 11 members including President, Vice-president, Treasurer, Secretary, Joint-secretary, Arts secretary and Sports secretary serving as the main office bearers while the rest as ordinary executive members who aim to meet on a quarterly basis. They will have the role of the executive and will be involved in the key decision-making processes. The day-to-day running is done by an operational and organising group of which the executive group are also members. Membership in the organisation is on offer to anyone from Kozhikode or those interested in the culture of Kozhikode and are based in the UK. The Nammude Kozhikode membership is free and available for all ages.